In La Horra, a town located in the heart of the Ribera del Duero, we can find the family winery Tinto Figuero, with decades of history in the Ribera del Duero PDO (Spain). La Horra is located on the right bank of the river, within what is called Gold Diamond due to its unique microclimates and soils.
The García Figuero family produces seven wines from more than 110 plots spread over a radius of four kilometers around the winery. They are unique and different wines: three of them follow the classification based on the months of aging (Roble, Crianza and Reserva) and the other four are local wines and/or unique plots of vineyards planted between 1910 and 1965. Committed to the sustainable viticulture, they make their wines only with “the tempranillo from the La Horra area”. At the controls of the team of oenologists Oscar Rodríguez and Jean François Hèbrard, as external consultant.
The winery was born from the illusion of José María García and his wife Milagros Figuero and became a reality in 2001 with the support of their three children: Carlos, Henar and Antonio and their respective spouses Esther, J. Felipe and Pilar. Its purpose? Create the best wines while respecting the uniqueness of each plot and each area. Today they celebrate their success with the incorporation of the third generation in the person of Cristina, daughter of Henar and J. Felipe.
The management of the winery, the marketing of the wines, the communication and the plans for the future fall into their hands.
The winery, which in 2016 was chosen as one of the 100 best in the world by the prestigious magazine Wines & Spirits, chooses as its Christmas proposal Figuero Viñas Viejas (27 euros), a 100% Tempranillo wine made with material from the Paraje de Zaloña , in the town of La Horra (DO Ribera del Duero). Its great presence of red fruits that are interspersed with spicy and roasted notes make it ideal for Christmas dinners, which are more copious and long than normal ones.